"Sleepwalker" by Michael Cadnum book cover


Sometimes you wake up too late.  Sleepwalker https://www.amazon.com/Sleepwalker-Novel-Terror-Michael-Cadnum-ebook/dp/B015GLL204?SubscriptionId=AKIAILSHYYTFIVPWUY6Q&tag=ad-backfill-amzn-one-good-20&linkCode=xm2&cam

"Saint Peter's Wolf" by Michael Cadnum book cover

Saint Peter’s Wolf

The beast in him was alive, but the man was a killer.  Saint Peter’s Wolf. https://www.amazon.com/Saint-Peters-Wolf-Michael-Cadnum-ebook/dp/B015GLL1DM/ref=sr_1_18?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1508772584&sr=1-18&keywords=cadnum+kindle

I used my own photos as the jacket art for the many of these novels, working with the design team at Open Road. This photo shows a fire in the California hills, and introduces my novel Ghostwright..

OpenRoadMedia publishing 24 eBooks by Michael Cadnum

Michael Cadnum and @OpenRoadMedia are proud to share an e-publishing adventure: 24 of Cadnum’s titles are back. And available now.  Here is a link to taking part. http://www.openroadmedia.com/contributor/michael-cadnum/ I used my own photos as the jacket art for the many of these novels, working with the design team at Open Road.  This photo shows a fire in…